By GIG1005 SCIENCE MATHEMATICS 18/19 - April 16, 2019

NameNurhannani Binti Baharudin
Matric Number: SIM180024

What do you expect to gain from this project & what benefits can students obtain through social engagement?


Social engagement expectations? Hearing my coursemates plan to do program with students excites me but at the same time I knew it would be an exhausting preparation to be made because I had some experiences before. I cannot wait for it to happen, to see how it would be. I always miss the school vibes. The time when you enjoy everything and worry about nothing except only about your studies. Knowing that we will be teaching the SPM candidates besides doing activities with them makes me feel anxious. I hope the students will get and understand what we will try to teach. All the tips and techniques that are still in our mind hopefully can help them to deal with the tough questions later. I’m looking forward to carrying out the activities with the students and supportive friends I have.

We all know that we must sacrifice a bit of our mid semester break, but after all it is all the experiences and the memories you will have that make you feel motivated to come back earlier to college. This is for the sake of our grades too isn’t it? So, what I feel is that we should put the very best effort to accomplish this task. I hope, when the day comes, everyone will have the same positive vibes. I pray for this project to be successful and the most important thing is for everyone to have a heart that willingly and enthusiastically wanting to help the students apart from finishing this project. Hoping for the best and good luck to all of us!

Thank you.

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