By GIG1005 SCIENCE MATHEMATICS 18/19 - April 16, 2019

NameThum Sze Khai
Matric Number: SIM180028

What do you expect to gain from this project & what benefits can students obtain through social engagement?


My name is Thum Sze Khai and I am leading the multimedia and technical department in this project.

First of all, I've always wanted to be part of a project such as this one. I love mathematics and I hope everyone would be too, or at the very least, do not hate mathematics. So, of course I am looking forward to this camp and be teaching the kids about the wonder of mathematics.

As for hopes for this project, I am hoping that we will be able to get the students to appreciate and like mathematics. Things that we are able to teach in a three days camp are very limited and the mathematical achievements of the students are up to their own effort after the camp. They have to learn how to study mathematics, learn mathematics, explore mathematics and ultimately uses the skills acquired in the learning process in their daily life.

As for myself, I hope I will be able to sympathise more with people struggling with mathematics and learn how to better help them. In my experience simply teaching more mathematics doesn't make a person better in mathematics. However, it is always a struggle to change people's minds. Perhaps, by understanding their struggles, we will be able to truly help them.

Anyway, that concludes this short little passage of text. All the best to my fellow friends in this project and students, get ready to do some math!

Thank you.

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