By GIG1005 SCIENCE MATHEMATICS 18/19 - May 15, 2019
Name: Muhammad Hakimi Bin Ab Wahab
Matric Number: SIM180017
What did you learn from the social engagement project?
First of all, I would like to say thank you to all
people that support me before or during this Social Engagement. This project
was so enjoyable and make me learn many things during this project. The things
that I learn is about teamwork. Everything will be okay and this project will
run smoothly without any problem. We can correct each other, support our
friends and can share ideas to make this project become more fun. Besides, I
also learn to be a guider to students. Before this, I am not used to be like
this but after this project I can be more confident to face the people that I
do not know. I can know many people and make friends with them. It is good for
us you know. Moreover, I also can sharp my memory about basic mathematics. It
is because we teach them mathematics in low level. If we can master this level,
we can save time doing mathematics in the next level. It can also release my
stress. I can spend my time with students share my knowledge and give them
advice. It can help them to make a last true perfect decision.
Thank you.