By GIG1005 SCIENCE MATHEMATICS 18/19 - May 15, 2019
Name: Nurhannani Binti Baharudin
Matric Number: SIM180024
What did you learn from the social engagement project?
Hey guys! Congrats! For being such a wonderful facilitator during the
programme. I didn’t expect for the overwhelming response from the students.
Guess it is because of the hyper and good-looking facilitators in our group. I
feel grateful because now I know my coursemates better, we created some bonds,
and perhaps we cherished the moments together. A month and a half, I guess, we
prepared for this. From tense meeting to test running the modules and search
for funding really teach me the right way to deal with many kind of people and
to make impossible things to become possible and we all succeed. Alhamdulillah.
The students seemed to enjoy Wondermaths and what is more important than
that? I hope they gain benefits from joining this programme. A+ for their
willingness to come during the weekend, A+ for their support and hopefully they
get A+ also in their exam later. Because with efforts and determination, they
sure can strive, inshallah. Lastly, thanks a lot everyone. Much love!
Thank you.